Top 13 Mobile Application Development Trends in 2021

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Top 13 Mobile Application Development Trends in 2021

In order to be successful in any business, you’ve got to always keep your finger on the pulse.
Keeping awake to date with the latest trends is apparently the most pivotal aspect of success in this space.
Mobile application resellers need to stay aware of new technologies and trends to better serve their clients. The equivalent goes for content makers and producers ready to take their brands to the next level with mobile development.

Are you prepared for the mobile app development changes in the year 2021?

The list below illustrates the top app development trends that will dominate 2021.

1. Beacon Technology

Beacon technology has been embraced by a wide scope of industries. From retail to medical care and hospitality, beacons can add high-level functionality to nearly any mobile app.
The initial mobile application beacons were made back in 2013. But over the last few years, important advance developments have been made to this technology.

How do Beacons work?

Suppose you are a mobile application reseller that creates applications for retailers. Your clients can install beacons in their stores that associate with a user’s cell phone through Bluetooth if the application is on their device. At that time when a user passes by a beacon, they can be flash notified about a sale or special on items in that store.
Beacons technology can also help track buyer behavior in stores. They can search if a user is investing a certain amount of time in a particular aisle. The app can automatically activate a push notification to allure a sale at a later date related to those products.
The main benefit of beacon technology is proximity marketing. It ultimately improves the customer experience within a mobile app.
According to Statista, the beacon technology market is increasing at a compound annual growth rate of 59.8%. The estimated market value will reach $56.6 billion by 2026. That’s more than ten times higher than the $519.6 million worth from 2016.

2. 5G Technology

The widespread of 5G will have a major impact on 2021 application trends. For developers, resellers, and producers, this technology is composed to change the methods apps are used and created.

Forecast number of mobile 5G connections worldwide from 2021 to 2025

5G connections in 2021 will approximately 3.5 times more than in 2020 and these will nearly triple by 2022.
Why this is significant for mobile app development?
Speed and effectiveness will definitely improve. Truth be told, 5G is relied upon to convey a 10x diminishing in dormancy, while boosting network effectiveness and traffic limit. Contrasted with 4G, 5G will be up to 100 times quicker, contingent upon the mobile network operator.
The entrance of 5G will eventually boost the usefulness of mobile applications. This will permit developers to add new highlights to applications without contrarily influencing the application's performance.

3. Internet of Things (IoT) App Integration

The IoT is a long way from new ideas. Yet, the ascent in mobile entrance across a broad scope of areas and categories has set out apparently unending open doors for the Internet of Things.
Individuals have become used to utilizing innovation to improve their regular day to day life.
The IoT portrays the developing organization of devices associated with the Internet, giving comfort and robotized control to consumers. Brilliant home innovation is an ideal illustration of the rise in IoT and versatile application development.
Mobile applications can be utilized to change the indoor regulator in a house from a far-off area, lock and unlock the front door, and associate with home security systems. Fridges and other household appliances can likewise be associated with mobile applications.

4. Apps for Foldable Devices

It seems like a lifetime back, however, earlier mobile phones were flip phones. The phone has completely changed over the decade. Touch screens with one or no buttons have assumed control over the market.
Be that as it may, throughout the most recent few years, foldable gadgets have started making a rebound. 2019 saw the arrival of foldable gadgets like the Samsung Galaxy Fold, the Huawei Mate X, and the new Motorola Razr.
These smartphones overlap to pack or extend the screen size dependent on client inclinations. For instance, a client might make a call with the device closed, but watch a video on a larger screen by unfolding the device.
From an application advancement point of view, affiliates and content creators need to account for these gadgets when building or updating an application.
According to Statista, approximately 3.2 million foldable smartphones were shipped in 2019. This forecast is expected to reach 50 million units by 2022. For that growth to happen, 2021 will be a big year for foldable, which means app developers must plan accordingly.

5. Development For Wearable Devices

Wearable technology has been moving upward throughout recent years also. This isn't really an advancement on the lookout. We've seen smart watches, trackers, and fitness bands for some time now.
However, wearable gadgets have yet to reach their full potential
Have a look at the below graph chart from e-marketer about the entrance of wearable in the United States.

For example, Apple made a major declaration about wearables and application integration at WWDC 2019. The new watchOS 6 has brought the Apple App Store to Apple Watch. Independent applications are being assembled explicitly for these devices. This has set out a huge freedom for application affiliates and content makers.
In 2021, more portable applications will be made in view of wearables. Users will actually able to download a huge number of applications straightforwardly from their wrist.
We're simply starting to start to expose what's underneath with wearables and mobile application integration. The coming years will be astoundingly reformist in this classification.

6. Mobile Commerce

A list of 2021 app trends is uncompleted without mentioning mobile commerce. This trend has been dominating 2019, 2020, and will continue to thrive in 2021.
It appears as though everybody is utilizing mobile applications to expand revenue. From enormous retailers to singular content makers and individual brands, there is a lot of money to be made in this space.
Mobile eCommerce functionality is a top element for mobile application affiliates to grandstand during client pitches. It seems like each day another business is dispatching an application to drive deals.
We're not exactly now yet, however, we're nearly arriving at the age where you need a mobile business application to remain competitive. Everyone and business selling on the web is contending with giants like Amazon. To keep pace, you need to repeat what makes those brands so effective; an application is at the first spot on that list.
Before the finish of 2021, over 72.9% of absolute online business deals will come from cell phones. Applications assume a huge part in the current and future accomplishment of mobile commerce.

7. Superior App Security

Everybody is powerless against cybercrime. From solitary substance makers to multi-billion dollar ventures, no one is insusceptible.
Malware attacks intended to harm mobile devices expanded by 54%. Over 60% of cybercrime starts from cell phones. Of that figure, 80% comes from mobile applications.
From an application development point of view, you can't bear to take any alternate ways to secure your app. In case you're an application reseller, security should be the first concern for your customers also.
Application clients are very much aware of security risks. So pushing ahead, individuals mull over-sharing passwords or giving sensitive data to outsiders, as application developers.
Designers will begin actualizing highlights like Sign in With Apple to mobile applications.
Instead of compelling application clients to round out structure fields with their name, email address, and password, they can essentially make a record and sign in utilizing their Apple ID. These records are ensured with two-factor authentication, and Apple will not track the movement.

8. Cloud Computing Integration

While cloud innovation isn't new, it hasn't exactly entered the mobile application industry to its maximum capacity right now. Cloud computing has a wide scope of opportunities for mobile development, which will be exploited in 2021.
Cloud storage innovation can improve the exhibition of mobile applications at the user's end. Applications can store information and complete complex assignments on the cloud, instead of putting away data straightforwardly on the user's device.
In addition to the fact that this streamlines advancement activities, but at the same time it's a cost-effective development solution.
Before the finish of 2021, 83% of big business remaining burdens will be cloud-based. In the event that your office is building business applications or inner labor force applications, you need to watch out for distributed computing patterns in 2021.

9. Instant Apps

Android Instant Apps dispatched a couple of years back. Yet, we will see an ascent in use and improvement in 2021.
Android Studio permits developers to fabricate moment application encounters to improve their application revelation. Users can attempt the application without installing it. They simply need to tap on the "try now" button.

Instant applications have size limitations, so it will not really be a full version of the application. Be that as it may, these limits could change in the coming years.
Application users demand a better experience. Permitting them to utilize an application without downloading it is an extraordinary method to give them that.
Hollar, a mobile commerce application, had the option to increase conversions by 20% by dispatching a moment application. 30% of their whole Android traffic comes from the instant application.
In case you're creating applications for the Google Play Store in 2021, you need to have an instant version as well.

10. Predictive Analytics

By utilizing innovation for machine learning, AI, information mining, and modeling, predictive analytics can forecast events using data.
Tech giants have been utilizing prescient analytics throughout recent years. A straightforward example is Netflix. The stage offers TV show and film suggestions dependent on what clients have recently watched.
In 2021, the prescient examination will be actualized on a more standard level, for a wide scope of mobile applications. The main role will be to improve the UI/UX with an application.
Have a look at how businesses across the globe are using AI technology.


Chatbots have been around for over 10 years. First connections with these bots in the last part of the 1990s on AOL Instant Messenger.
Throughout the long term, chatbots have developed and turn out to be substantially more progressed. Chatbots on sites have expanded in popularity because of customer interest. It's turning into the new norm of client support.
Yet, of the large numbers of applications accessible on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, simply a little part really use chatbots. This will change in 2021.
Since chatbots are driven by AI innovation, their reactions are getting more human-like. We previously talked about how AI will keep on moving upward, and this is one reason why.
The worldwide chatbot market is developing at 24% every year. It's normal that 25% of all client support tech associations were encouraged by remote helpers in 2020. For this to occur, chatbots need to penetrate the mobile app development market.

12. Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality will keep moving upward in 2021. Mobile applications can utilize AR highlights for a wide scope of utilization cases.
Pokemon Go made ready for AR in portable application gaming. Be that as it may, today, the applications for AR have gotten more useful for other applications also.
L'Oreal Paris utilizes AR for their Style My Hair application.

The application utilizes AR innovation to exhibit diverse hairdos and shadings straightforwardly on the client. L’Oreal has also created a virtual makeup app using AR to see what makeup looks like on the user’s face.
Indeed, even Google Maps revealed an element called "Live View" where clients can see turn by turn directions in real-time on real-world imagery. By pointing the gadget's camera at structures and road signs, the application can sort out precisely where a client is.
While these models may not really be valuable for most of the applications created in 2021, there are a lot of alternate approaches to utilize AR in mobile applications.
For instance, labor force applications can utilize AR-based preparing programs for representative learning.
AR adaption is a top application improvement pattern for content makers. You can utilize this innovation to get inventive as Instagram and Snapchat do with face filters.

13. Mobile Wallets

We've just examined the job of mobile commerce for app development in 2021. However, the manner in which individuals pay utilizing their mobile phones is advancing too.
Mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay are moving upward.
As per a new report, there was $6.1 billion worth of transactions from mobile wallets in 2019. This is relied upon to reach $13.98 billion by 2022.
To put it plainly, the mobile wallet market should twofold in the following two years.
Mobile wallets should be mulled over for application improvement in 2021. Wallet integration should turn into a standard component for each application that processes transactions. At present, that is not the situation. Yet, the mobile wallet entrance rate in applications will fill fundamentally in the coming years.
Mobile app development is continually evolving. In case you're building applications today utilizing data from a few years back, you will not have the option to remain competitive.
As an affiliate, you can treat the 2021 mobile application patterns like your book of scriptures. This is the manner by which you can acquire an edge in your space.
You don't really have to actualize each and every pattern into each application you assemble. Yet, you need to have an overall comprehension of how the market is moving so you can adjust appropriately.
In view of my broad exploration, the 13 application improvement drifts that I laid out above will rule 2021.

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